

Since 1940, Samfunnshuset (The Community House) has stood in the heart of Oslo. The building, designed by architect Ove Bang, is one of the main works of functionalism in the city and was initially designed for the Oslo Workers' Society. The large hall located at the core of the building is today Samfunnssalen (The Community Hall). Over the past 80 years, this hall has been an important gathering place for numerous events throughout Norwegian history. As a protected cultural heritage site, Samfunnssalen will always preserve its original architectural character. This has given us the opportunity to shape a visual identity that is deeply rooted in the room's history, architecture, and atmosphere.

Photo: Ørnelund, Leif Krohn – 1947

Photo: Ørnelund, Leif Krohn – 1947

Photo: Ørnelund, Leif Krohn – 1951

Photo: Ørnelund, Leif Krohn – 1951

Photo: Ørnelund, Leif Krohn – 1951

Photo: Ørnelund, Leif Krohn – 1951

The typography in the new logo is inspired by the characteristic ceiling of the hall. The curved lines are subtly integrated into the font's shape to create a balance between tradition and modernity.

The logo's icon is based on the building's pentagonal floor plan, which serves as a distinct design element in the identity. The geometric shape directly connects the identity to the architectural features of the Community Hall.

The Community Hall
The Community Hall